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New feature lets you 'ask' your Facebook friends about their relationship status

A new ‘ask’ button has popped up on Facebook pages – here’s what it’s all about.

BY NOW, MOST Facebook users have found ways of making their personal information stay somewhat personal – you can lock down parts of your profile to certain people, hide your relationship status, and un-tag to your heart’s content.

But Facebook has slyly introduced a new way to get you sharing more through a new “Ask” button, which pops up when users haven’t shared a personal detail on their profile.

The feature was quietly rolled out in January, but most people have only noticed it popping up on their friend’s timelines in the past few days.

It’ll look a little bit like this:


So you can just click the ask button and demand to know where this person works, where they live, their home town and – in the most creepy addition – their relationship status.

When you click, it’ll ask you to tell the person why the hell you want to know this personal information.

ask button 2

Your friend will then have the option to spill the beans or tell you to get out of that garden.

At the moment, there is no way of turning off the ‘ask’ button – so nosy parkers, it’s your time to shine.

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